About Us

Our story began when my parents introduced us to the idea of our first dog - a whippet, later known as Karlos. As we prepared for “THE DAY”, we started exploring all the types of food, treats and supplement that were available on the market, to get the best possible stuff for our pup. We were shocked when it came to supplements. Most of the products were extremely under dosed, lacking certain ingredients and contained additives. 

Thats when we made a decision to try and create a properly formulated supplement line for our furry friends. Our number one priority was ensuring the quality of the ingredients and their proper dosage. We agreed that if we're going to put our products on the makret, they need to be better than anything else we've seen. 

We teamed up with vets who helped us perfect our formulation, ensuring our products are dosed properly and can ensure your furry friend is getting everything they need to support their health and wellbeing.

There was one thing we really wanted to strive for - creating the formulations that are "clean", without any unnecessary aditives and flavour enhancers. That's why our supplements come in sprinkle capsules, which can be taken apart and sprinkled over the food.

All our products are made in EU and we made sure we only use human grade ingredients. 

To fully support our customers we made sure our customer support is run by vets only, that way you can be sure to receive expert advice if you need it. Oh, and we don't mind if you send us a message that's not product related :)

 - Rebeka Skrjanc, CEO

Meet our team 🐾

Dr. of veterinary medicine

Žiga Oražem